
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Kick Starter project preview

So I've tentatively earmarked June this year for the KS campaign to go live.
The KS peeps say to show your project to your mates for feedback before you set it live, so who better than you guys to have a sneak peak?  Thanks in advance for your thoughts and especially to all who've contributed feedback already.
Some notes:

* The price for the game is subject to change, and we need 500 backers.
* Shipping is not yet outlined, but I have a meeting in May and we can hopefully make this EU and US friendly, not sure yet about RoW.
* The gameplay videos are not yet complete but we have plenty of time before June.
* Stretch goals aren't outlined either but will be in the form of extra cards: heroes, classes, enemies, etc.

So, obviously this is an early version, but here is the link (thanks Peter!):

Let me know your thoughts below or through the feedback feature please.


Tuesday, April 07, 2015