
1066, Tears to Many Mothers

1066, Tears to Many Mothers.

1066 is a two player, non-collectible, asymmetric, competitive card game in the style of Magic the Gathering, The Call of Cthulhu LCG, and, um, the Uncharted Board Game, which puts players in charge of the Normans or the Saxons and recreates the historic Battle of Hastings.
With a focus on quick, tactical play and a thematic abstraction of the events of the time, there is no deck building required, each player simply grabs his deck and shuffles and play begins.

Warning: may also contain historical information.

Here is a teaser of one of the medium power Norman cards:

The Wax seal shows the cost to play him in Resources.  You can discard cards for Resources on a 1 to 1 basis, and other cards in play can grant you extra resources.
The cross shows the Character's (or Unit's) Zeal and how susceptible they are to being routed.
The axe represents Might, and the heart represents Health.

More info coming soon.  Oh, and I'll be wanting play-testers too if anyone is interested!  :)

This is an Alt Wars card game and if there is enough interest I will try to follow it up with other famous battles, such as Agincourt.


  1. Well our croup tends to play card games, and I have liked your LOTR lcg scenarios, so I would be interesting in to test this game.
    If you are still looking for testers?

  2. Well our croup tends to play card games, and I have liked your LOTR lcg scenarios, so I would be interesting in to test this game.
    If you are still looking for testers?

  3. Hey Paul, thanks for your comment. Send me your email address and I'll send you the links to the PDFs of the cards. :)

  4. Can you send me the files for Print & Play.....Regards

  5. Hey Gianni - thanks for your interest, I sent you a message with the links on Google.

  6. Just read your blog on BGG regarding no more games in 2014, which then lead me here. Your card game looks very interesting. Would I be able to try it out via the PnP files?

    Thank you

  7. Absolutely James, be good to have you on board - am going to send you an email with the files now.
    Look forward to your feedback!


  8. Interesting! I wouldn't mind a sneak peak of the cards/rules as well...

  9. Interesting! I wouldn't mind a sneak peak of the cards/rules as well...

  10. Give me your email address Sean and I'll send you the PDFs. My email is in the Aboutme section.

  11. I'd be really excited to playtest this some of my friends. We've been playing a lot of card games lately and my best bud and I love this section of history!

  12. (Sorry if this is a double post, browser freaked out on me). I'd love to get a chance to playtest this! I absolutely love the setting and the artwork. It looks like something I think my friends and I would enjoy!

    I just found your blog but I plan on keeping up with it. Your posts have a lot of really interesting things in them.

  13. Hi Kevin, thanks for your comments - drop me an email at:
    holycriphesacrapple at gmail dot com
    and I'll send you the pdfs for 1066. :)
    Got one of the chaps who works for Fantasy Flight Games re-vamping the rules right now and they look great.

  14. Hi Tristan,
    I'm very interested in this game. If you need more playtesters, I am keen: dave.daffin (at) googlemail (dot) com
    Best wishes,

  15. Thanks Dave, PM sent.

  16. Thank you for the Card Set at the PrinterStudio. I ordered the set and got it in about five days.

    I played my first game and if I played it correctly it was an interesting game.

    The play started out slow with many resource problems to get the first set of cards into play. If I understand properly, you are rotating units through the wedges while waiting to complete the Objectives.

    It is almost like watching a battle movie with flashbacks explaining how the units got there. You have to manage the units that get you the units you want.

    This game has more complexity than you would suspect. I would recommend this and get the PrinterStudio cards, they are pretty enough. If you have friends who play a lot of LCGs you play the "Guess where this art comes from..." game.

  17. Thanks PMgeuze, that's a quick turnaround from printer studio, usually takes a few weeks here in the UK. Glad you enjoyed the game, and yes, there's a lot of 'placeholder' art in there! :)

  18. Hi there

    I read about it on BBG (the golden geek awards), then read the rules and became interested in playing.
    Is it still available the PDF files for print & play the game?


  19. Hey Mario,
    Email me: holycriphesacrapple at gmail and I'll send you the links next time I'm at my PC. :)

  20. I just saw the game in the 2014 BoardGameGeek Winners & Runners Up, so I will be glad to play this card game.
    (Excuse any grammar mistake, I'm not a native english speaker)

  21. Hi, I saw the game on BGG and it looks great. Are you still in need of any play testers?

  22. Thanks guys, hit me up at the email address on this page and I'll sort you out with the links you need for the game.


  23. Can I have the pnp files? I'm really interested about the game.

  24. Thanks Kenneth, we're actually going live on Kickstarter next week - June 1st. Please join us for the ride! :D

  25. Hi i would like to test the game, what do i need to do? thanks.

  26. Thanks Amras!
    The game is already at the printers but you can still pre-order a copy for a limited time here on the blog:


