Hall or Nothing Productions Ltd: Legend of Drizzt: Hero Levelling cards for campaign play

Monday, November 14, 2011

Legend of Drizzt: Hero Levelling cards for campaign play

Legend of Drizzt: Hero Levelling cards for campaign play

The following are the Levelling Hero cards for the Heroes of Legend of Drizzt.  They are for use with the Dungeons and Dragons Adventures System campaign rules which can be found here:

Thanks to Malone76 and GeckoTH for the templates!


Andy said...

Hi Dorg, thanks very much for these, they are excellent.

Going to be playing our first 5 person game of The Legend of Drizzt this weekend!

Keep up the excellent work.

Ninjadorg said...

Thanks mate, hope you have/had a great session! If you haven't already you can also find the Levelling cards for Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon here:



Iancu Octavian said...

Are there any rules for playing campaigns only with LoD, without WoA?
I didn't have enough money to buy 2 games, so i bought LoD because i read it was the most ok to buy as a standalone game. But i want to play a campaign game with my friends. What pieces do i need?
I read that instead of the treasure cards you draw treasure tokens, which can have gold or treasure on them(i tough of mixing them and having gold+treasure), and at the end you can buy tresure cards but...is the gold a comon resource or each player has its gold stack?
Has anyone ever thought to put magic in this 3 games? I was thinking of something like each hero has a MP number(let's say 3 or 4 for Drizzt). He has to learn the spells(which can be found in a separate card pile and you draw one if you draw a tresure token that says magic card, or gold+magic). Spels can be level 1-5 and cost a certain amount of MP to use. MP can be regenarated if you draw a tresure card(i will asume that the ones that heal HP also give away mana), or in the magic cards pile there are cards like mana potion thatretrive lost MP points. A hero cannot use a lvl 3 spell if he is level 1 or 2, but can use it later on , at lvl 4 and 5. A hero can learn new spells from another hero if they are adjacent at the end of the hero faze, and the current hero has moved only once and not attacked or attacked but hasn't moved, or only moved, not attacked.
What do you think of the rules?
Do they need improving. I think i will give the monsters more powers to since i find the game very easy...with another friend we beat any adventure without loosing a single healing surge, and we are beginners at dungeon crawlers, and DnD :)

Ninjadorg said...

You could easily use the current campaign rules to use only with LoD by keeping the levelling system the same. Then you could either create your own money tokens or come up with a simple dice based system for treasure, e.g. you gain 1d6 x 100 Gold every time you defeat a monster, but draw a treasure card instead if you roll a 6. FYI, the Gold is a common resource amongst the heroes like XP but you could easily make it individual to each hero if you wanted to introduce a competitive element.

If you print off the WOA Longbridge Event cards above they are generic fantasy enough that they could easily be set in Neverwinter or similar and so still work with Legend of Drizzt. The Barovia events are obviously more themed for Castle Ravenloft but would still work.

Magic already exists in the games in the form of power cards but LOD does not come with any wizards or clerics – for that you need to buy one either of the other games or print off any number of the various fanmade heroes on boardgamegeek.

Your magic rules sound interesting but they do conflict with those already built into the system. No reason not to give them a whirl until you get the other two games though! Hope this helps.

And yes, LOD is a lot easier than WOA or CR because the heroes are so much more powerful.

TyCO said...

10x for your help. I've already started building my DnD house rules...keep you posted,
All the best!

Ninjadorg said...

Cool, good stuff TyCO - good luck with them.

Unknown said...

Dear Sirs,
what about leveling cards for new Temple of Elemental Evil?

Unknown said...

Dear Sirs,
what about leveling cards for new Temple of Elemental Evil?

Ninjadorg said...

Excellent suggestion Alexey - if I ever get the chance I'll get on to this! :)

Unknown said...

What do you think about my variant? https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2AF3/ByJHrLTcE

Ninjadorg said...

Hey Alexey, I'm looking at the files but I'm not sure what the differences are from the current variant? :)

Unknown said...

My variant is hurry-scurry variant, but your work is always superior! O:)

Ninjadorg said...

Hehe, okay gotcha - well I think it looks great, well done! :)